Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered update out now, patch notes
Aspyr came out with the first update for Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered this week, and we have the patch notes.
The update makes a number of small improvements like the ability to press pause while watching the Bonus Materials movies. A bunch of bugs have also been fixed in both games.
For a full overview of the update, continue on below.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered update patch notes
- [SR1] The lighthouse’s beam is no longer missing (after being activated to obtain the Glyph).
- [SR1] An additional prompt has been added to the Underworld tutorial in SR1 for accessing the Glyph menu.
- [SR1] A toggle has been added to enable/disable the Day/Night cycle.
- [SR1] The Bell in the Silenced Cathedral is no longer cut off after being hit.
- [SR1] Fixed an occasional crash issue triggered when Raziel was killed by a flamethrower hunter.
- [SR1] Fixed an issue that caused the environment to de-spawn.
- [SR1] Fixed the Great Old One Achievement in SR1.
- [SR1] Fixed the backward hand in SR1 for the vampire hunter.
- [SR2] Fixed an issue where Raziel could occasionally become stuck in a room with a T-pose Moebius after skipping a cutscene.
- [SR2] Black cubes are no longer present on the Air Forge mummies.
- [SR2] When playing through the Oracle Caves, Cubes will no longer get stuck in each other.
- [All] After disconnecting the controller, the game will automatically open the pause menu in either title.
- [All] A visual effect is now present when accessing and leaving the visions in the Chronoplast.
- [All] The Split trophy / achievement no longer progresses when killing a Sorcerer Thrall.
- [All] Directional inputs can now be bound to the arrow keys.
- You can now press pause while watching the Bonus Materials movies.
- Certain tutorial prompts no longer display the incorrect button prompt in non-English languages.
Thanks to Aspyr for the patch notes. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered is out now on Nintendo Switch alongside the update and we have a review of the game here.
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