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LEGO City: Undercover can take players 40-50 hours to complete fully

Posted on February 26, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U

LEGO City: Undercover will have a lot for players to see and do. Executive producer Loz Doyle estimates that it’ll take players 40-50 hours to complete everything.

There are so many vehicles, characters and missions. There’s so much content in the game already – you’re talking 40-50 hours to get 100%, it’s difficult to imagine what we could put in. We wouldn’t rule it out, but it’d have to be the right thing to fit with the rest of the game.

…Initially in the San Francisco area at the start of the game you’re really focused on the story, but as you get more abilities you’ll see things that had locked icons before that you couldn’t use, and now you can. That’ll encourage you to explore and use those different game mechanics and abilities.

LEGO City truly packs in a massive amount of content. Players will be able to ride many different vehicles, collect different items, take advantage of an array of costumes, and more.

Source, Via

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