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Maid of the Dead gameplay

Posted on February 16, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos

Maid of the Dead gameplay

A new round of gameplay has been released for Maid of the Dead. Qureate published the shooting action title on Switch this week.

Some additional details can be found in the following overview:

A shooting game aimed at restoring peace to Akiba by controlling gun-slinging maids and defeating zombies.

Use the right skills and destroy the zombies that come for you from behind the screen! By defeating swarms of zombies and levelling up, you can gain a skill at random. These include being able to fire missiles, controlling flying drones and much more! Chose the skills that suit your play style the best to destroy those zombies!

You’re not alone! Defeat the zombies along with any stray maids you meet! If you shoot a “Unity bullet” into a maid undergoing zombification, they’ll fight alongside you! The more allies you gain in battle, the stronger your stray maids will become!

Train your maids so that they won’t lose to any zombies! By using the points you receive in battle, you can purchase items like “Unity Bullets”, which are used to recruit new maids. Other items to help power-up maids, along with various accessories that can help you in battle, are available as well. Make the ultimate maid that can take down any zombie by buffing them up with items!

Take a look at the Maid of the Dead gameplay below.


Maid of the Dead can be bought on the Switch eShop. English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), and Chinese (Traditional) make up the language support.

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