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Miyamoto on the importance and potential of network functions

Posted on January 30, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News

Nintendo has added the translated version of the latest financial briefing Q&A, and it’s filled with all sorts of interesting information.

Shigeru Miyamoto was first asked about what makes network functions an interesting avenue to explore. He responded by by noting that “Nintendo has been making its best efforts to raise the Internet-connection ratio for years”, once again made note of the 3DS’ 60% connection rate, and noted how “there are some who like the excitement of being together with a lot of people online.”

His full response can be found below.

“A big question from the beginning. Speaking as a developer, giving no comment is the typical answer. But let me try to tell you something. Nintendo has been making its best efforts to raise the Internet-connection ratio for years. In addition to our efforts, network connections have rapidly become widespread, like cell phones which are always connected to the network. The connection ratio for the Nintendo 3DS (as Mr. Iwata explained in his presentation today) has reached approximately 60%, and we feel that the network environment has improved significantly. We also put importance on safety and reliability of the network because many people use it. We have concentrated on developing packaged software, but there are some who like the excitement of being together with a lot of people online. Electronic mail and chat are typical examples. Although you might not know it well, ‘Flipnote’ has become a hidden hit among our products. Millions of children who do not communicate on the Internet use this software. We are taking on various challenges including how to operate the system of note exchanges by children freely in a safe manner. In short, we trust the great potential of the network, but we are still in pursuit of originality through trial and error.”


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