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Netflix expecting Wii success, devalues need for HD

Posted on February 8, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

This information comes from Netflix Vice President of Corporate Communications Steve Swasey…

“26 million homes in America have a Wii. That’s a whole lot of folks…We think that the desirability of watching movies instantly on the Wii via Netflix is a wonderful opportunity for Wii homes. And so we think it’s going to be very well adopted…PS3 and Xbox users have 1 in 17 titles available in HD, and it’s streamed in 720…it’s not in 1080, and it’s not in 5.1 surround sound or anything. So, the HD experience at Netflix Instant Watching isn’t that overwhelming. It’s a little bit underwhelming. So the Wii folks aren’t going to miss that much.”

Thanks to Ian M for the news tip!


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