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NetherRealm learning from Mortal Kombat 9, Injustice has more content

Posted on January 4, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Mortal Kombat 9 was NetherRealm Studios’ first true crack at a fighter following its transition from Midway Games. Adam Urbano, the company’s senior producer, feels the team learned a great deal from the project.

Urbano explained what the staff took away from Mortal Kombat 9 in an interview with NowGamer. He also revealed that Injustice: Gods Among Us, NetherRealm’s upcoming game, will offer more content.

“On one end of the spectrum, we learned what works, and on the other, what not to mess with. We’re retaining a lot of the key features like the amazing 3D graphics set on a 2D fighting plane, the need for tournament-level depth, and the success of having a ton of content available for players of all experience levels. We’re planning to have more content in Injustice than we had in MK9.”

Urbano also discussed the importance of improving DLC and netplay:

“We also paid a lot of attention to the things we know we need to improve. We weren’t happy with how we handled ‘compatibility packs’ for DLC play, so we have a whole new system that ensures all players get the content they need. We also spent two years focused on netplay, realizing that nothing matters more for network play than launching with solid, great fundamental netcode.”


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