New Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright quotes and details
We don’t have to wait any longer for new Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright details, as the magazine has a feature on the title this week. A few screenshots were posted earlier today along with some information, but you may also be interested to read about what Layton series producer Jun Suzuki and Ace Attorney creator Shu Takumi said about the project.
For their full list of comments, head past the break.
“I was pretty surprised, much as I think everyone reading this was. I didn’t actually hear about it until after the project was underway; I didn’t get involved until after things had proceeded a fair distance. I did receive some notification beforehand, but it was largely a matter of me nodding and saying ‘Neat’; it was hard to really picture what it was going to be like.” – Takumi
“[Level-5 president Akihiro] Hino is just an enormous fan of the series. He’d always say stuff to me like ‘You better produce something on par with Ace Attorney’ to me — which, if anything, made me not want to play them even more! Actually trying them out, though, they’re pretty fun. The gameplay’s solidly there, the way it uses music is really effective, and the player really gets driven by the action. Takumi has a knack for good dialogue, too.” – Suzuki
“When you try to imagine medieval court proceedings, you tend to picture these mob scenes with people shouting out accusations at the tops of their lungs. It’s a crazy scene, and since this game’s set in a medieval city, I wanted to present a court the likes of which we’ve never seen before.” – Takumi
“Capcom is handling the visual design and art. We’ve been undergoing a long trial-and-error process in pretty much every aspect of the game, figuring out how to merge the two worlds together. Phoenix is drawn a little more simply than in the Ace Attorney games, while Professor Layton has a bit more detail, with the wrinkles in his clothing and so forth. It’s a lot of nitty-gritty work, and I’m sure we’ll continue trying to balance all of it right up to the end of the project.
It was a bit of an internal conflict I had with myself when the team decided to go ahead and make this a 3D title. When you think about the 3DS, though, we really couldn’t have done without three-dimensional graphics. Making it 3D also allows us to add more depth and character to the courtroom, letting us present the action from different angles and really expanding the freedom of expression we have.” – Takumi
“The first Layton game [Professor Layton and the Curious Village] was a pain to develop because we really weren’t sure exactly what we were doing. It’s kind of the same process right now, and that’s a good thing, because I hope it’ll result in the same kind of fan support that Layton has received over the years.” – Suzuki
Along with the quotes above, we do have additional information to report.
Although only court-like sequences have been shown in images thus far, you can expect Layton-style puzzles as well. And although Level-5 is the primary developer, Capcom is chipping in with some art support.
The game itself is set in Labyrinth City, a town that has been influenced by the Middle Ages and as you might expect, sees the existence of magic. During mob trials, all of the witnesses will be able to talk with each other at any time.
More Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright news will be shared later this week.