Nintendo Everything comic #4: Readers, we choose you
We’re back with another weekend comic! It’s Pokemon-themed again, but this one is a bit special. We’re seeking input from all of you to help continue this “mini-series”.
Here’s today’s comic (click for full size):

As you can see in the last panel of the comic, the Pokemon inside Teddy’s Pokeball is currently a mystery. We’re leaving up to one of you to decide where we take things next. Should it be an existing Pokemon? Or maybe a new kind of creature? Heck, maybe something crazy like a Goomba or even Reggie?!
You can tell us what you want to see in the comments below. Even a drawing or any other way of sharing input works! We’ll end up picking a winner, which will be featured in the next part of this comic. We’re looking forward to seeing what ideas everyone has in mind!