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Nintendo on Switch’s strong software sales, Super Mario Maker 2’s success

Posted on October 31, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…

In the Nintendo Switch business, first-quarter sales trends for both hardware and software surpassed those for the same period of the previous fiscal year. In the second quarter, sales for first-party software and software from other publishers were both favorable, and trended well above those in the previous fiscal year.

Nintendo released a string of new titles from June through September, as shown here. We’ve assembled a lineup that ranges from sequels to popular titles and to completely new titles, including those that can be enjoyed by a wide range of consumers, from video game fans to those new to playing games.

Initial sell-through for the 13 weeks following the June release of Super Mario Maker 2 represents a 1.5x increase over that of past titles in the series. The cycle of fun created by building Mario courses and playing the new courses uploaded online every day makes this a title that consumers can continuously enjoy. You can see this from the total number of courses uploaded daily and the number of times those courses have been played. A total of more than 8 million have been uploaded to date. What’s more, these courses have been played by consumers a total of more than 400
million times. We anticipate this will become an evergreen title that consumers continue to play longterm.


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