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Nintendo responds to investor asking for return to F-Zero, says it can’t accommodate all requests for remakes and sequels

Posted on July 4, 2022 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

f-zero nintendo remakes sequels

Nintendo’s 82nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders took place a few days ago, and one investor decided to ask about the possibility of revisiting F-Zero and series that haven’t seen a sequel in a long time. President Furukawa responded to the question, as did the company’s Shinya Takahashi.

Furukawa’s comment was short but clear. He mentioned: “Realistically speaking, it would be difficult to develop remakes or sequels for all Nintendo titles you have requested, but we’re extremely glad and grateful that our fans continue to look forward to them.”

As for Takahashi, he had this to say:

“We are always thinking from a broad perspective about how to make both new titles and remakes enjoyable for many consumers. As an example, a question was asked at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (for the 79th fiscal year held in 2019) about whether we had any plans to remake the Famicom Detective Club series. By chance, we did have plans at that moment to remake that very series. I cannot discuss whether we have plans to remake any specific title, but as we develop our games, we are constantly considering all kinds of possibilities to create enjoyment for consumers.”

In the case of F-Zero, F-Zero Climax launched in 2004 for the GBA and was the last entry in the series. Former Nintendo of America president shared his opinion as to why there hasn’t been a new entry in the franchise lately back in May – you can read what he had to say here.


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