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Nintendo says it’s taking various measures to prevent leaks

Posted on June 27, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Nintendo leaks response

Gaming companies have long been affected  by information leaks, and Nintendo is no stranger to that. Over the years, various “insiders” have come forward to share news about upcoming games before they’re announced.

We previously heard that some Nintendo leaks came about due to private YouTube videos being accessed by a Google employee. However, it goes beyond that. Pyoro is one such person who was known for leaking contents from Nintendo Directs – though that may now be over after some fans seemed to have uncovered his methods.

During Nintendo’s latest shareholders meeting, the company was asked about how it’s handling leaks. Here’s a rough translation as to what was said, courtesy of NStyles:

Q: Regarding information security measures, Kadokawa was recently attacked and was unable to broadcast Nintendo Direct on Niconico Live Broadcasting. There was also a story about an insider leaking information on YouTube. I would like to know what kind of investments you are making and what measures you have in place regarding information security.

A: We have become aware of the specific issues pointed out through media reports and other sources. We work with specialist companies to diagnose information security and take various other measures. The company has introduced information security management as part of its internal information security system, and is also working on continuous education for employees.

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