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Nintendo says many series games have grown on Switch, many long-term sellers

Posted on November 7, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Nintendo talked about Switch software sales during a financial results briefing today, and there are three key takeaways.

First, many series have seen an increase in sales with games released on the platform. A number of titles have also gone on to become long-term sellers. Finally, games like Animal Crossing and Kirby have seem more success outside of Japan on Switch.

Nintendo said in its report:

So far, we have talked about The Legend of Zelda. Now, I would like to discuss the Nintendo Switch business in general. On Nintendo Switch, many series titles have grown — we have been able to record sales for new games in existing series that exceed sales for past installments — not only for The Legend of Zelda series. A few examples of these series are shown here.

Additionally, a trend seen in many Nintendo Switch titles is that they mature into long-term sellers, with sales that continue to increase even in their second year and thereafter.

Before Nintendo Switch, sales of series like Animal Crossing and Kirby were primarily driven by the Japanese market. But with Nintendo Switch titles, we’ve greatly increased sales in other regions and are seeing worldwide interest.


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