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Nintendo Switch rating surfaces for unannounced Plants vs. Zombies Reloaded

Posted on March 18, 2025 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Plants vs. Zombies Reloaded

A new rating has appeared for Plants vs. Zombies Reloaded on Nintendo Switch, which is currently unannounced.

The classification was added to the official database in Brazil. Unfortunately, no description is included as part of the listing. While we basically have nothing here, we can speculate a bit.

It’s very likely that EA is bringing back the original Plants vs. Zombies in some form. Perhaps there are some bells and whistles to the release – hence the new “Reloaded” portion of the title.

Plants vs. Zombies Reloaded wouldn’t be the only game in the franchise on Nintendo Switch. A few years ago, EA brought over Plants vs. Zombies Battle for Neighborville. Everything you need to know about it can be found here.

Presumably we’ll be getting something official from EA soon. We’ll keep you updated if and when we hear more.

Thanks to Brazil’s classification site for today’s news.

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