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Note about screenshots in the future

Posted on September 7, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

The people have spoken…And, well, I think it’s pretty clear you guys want to see more screenshots on the site! From here on out, I plan to include screenshots in the daily news updates. However, I’m not going to clog up posts just with screenshots. Basically, I plan to compile a list of screenshots that point to the respective sites where the images are being hosted in one post. That way, every other post won’t simply be about screenshots! The only exception to this will be for the screenshots that are very important. For instance, let’s say there were new screenshots of Zelda. I’m pretty sure that most of you would be very interested in seeing those. So again, only in those types of cases will I make seperate posts.

Let me know if this method works with you guys. If anyone has a different idea/suggestion, make it known! I’ll gladly consider anything that’s thrown out there.

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