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Petition for ‘Dark Souls II’ on Wii U started

Posted on December 11, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U

I actually saw this on reddit a couple of days ago, but didn’t think it was news-worthy for our great website. Apparently, IGN has not such high standards.

I kid, of course. This is serious business, because the ultra-hard sequel to the ultra-tough game Dark Souls was announced just a few days ago for PS3, PC, and 360– but not for Wii U. Apparently a group of gamers is pretty frustrated by this, so they’ve started an online petition to try and get Namco Bandai to reconsider. Currently there are about 6,000 people who have pledged support, and while I’m not sure that’s quite enough to get the game released (try 100,000… or more!), it’s a start. If you would buy Dark Souls II on Wii U, add your name to the petition:

Sign here.


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