Pokemon Cafe X Pokemon Cafe Mix promotion announced
The Pokemon Cafe in Japan is planning on introducing special dishes in its two locations (Osaka and Tokyo) based off of the food that appears in Pokemon Cafe Mix. This promotion will be run for a limited time in August 2020 and it is unsure how long it will last.
The announcement for this collaboration also mentions a “special experience” that can happen at the Pokemon Cafe for those that have the Pokemon Cafe Mix app downloaded on their phone. Apparently, this experience will be revealed at a later date on the Pokemon Cafe Mix website.
Included below is a short promotional video for Pokemon Cafe Mix that was released leading up to this announcement.
好評配信中のパズルゲーム『Pokémon Café Mix』のプロモーション映像を紹介!
耳に残る“くるくる”の声の主は、声優の斉藤壮馬さんだよ!https://t.co/KN6MLfpLND #ポケモンカフェミックス pic.twitter.com/PM9k6QgQgK— ポケモン公式 (@Pokemon_cojp) June 26, 2020