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Pokemon GO implements temporary changes in light of coronavirus

Posted on March 12, 2020 by (@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News

Pokemon GO’s reputation was originally built upon the idea of going outside, moving about, and interacting with others. Unfortunately, the coronavirus is making these types of interactions almost impossible. In response to the pandemic, Niantic is implementing temporary changes in mechanics.

A representative told Polygon that Niantic is “prioritizing updates to Pokémon GO features and experiences that can be enjoyed in individual settings.” Habitats will be increased, allowing players to see more monsters nearby while playing closer to home.

Incense packs are also involved. They’re seeing a 99 percent discount, and will now last an hour while active. Incense helps to increase monster spawns.

Players have been able to use incubators to accrue a certain number of steps before hatching eggs containing Pokemon. At least for now, you’ll be able to hatch Eggs twice as fast.

PokeStops will be giving out Gifts more frequently, too. It was just announced that the Abra Community Day has been postponed, and that goes for other in-person events as well.

Niantic says that these changes will continue until “further notice”. The developer says it “encourage[s] players to make decisions on where to go and what to do that are in the best interest of their health and the health of their communities.”


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