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Pokemon GO revenue at lowest point in five years

Posted on May 4, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News

Pokemon GO five year revenue low

Original (5/3): Pokemon GO seems to be in a bit of a decline, as the game’s revenue is down to its lowest point in five years.

Mobilegamer reports that the title earned $34.7 million in April. It was at $58 million in February and then $42.8 million in April. Pokemon GO’s revenue hasn’t been this low since February 2018, so that’s something Niantic is surely taking notice of.

In April, the title ranked #12 on the worldwide top grossing games chart. Honor of Kings, Genshin Impact, Candy Crush Saga, PUBG Mobile, and Roblox rounded out the top five.

Pokemon GO hasn’t been without its controversy as of late. Last month, Niantic decided to increase the price of Remote Raid Passes and players are now only able to use five Remote Raids each day. The company said at the time that the change was “necessary for the long-term health of the game, and we do not make it lightly.”

Pokemon GO is currently available on mobile via iOS and Android. Are you still playing the game or have you moved on? Let us know in the comments below.


Update (5/4): Niantic has dismissed the report that Pokemon GO’s earnings are at a five-year low. However, something it didn’t deny is that revenue was down in April compared to March.

The full statement reads:

“We generally don’t comment on third-party estimates of our revenue as they are often incorrect, which is the case here. Our revenue so far in 2023 is up on last year. We don’t focus on month-to-month trends because they fluctuate based on major live events. This year’s changes have already increased in-person Raiding and we’re excited to introduce exciting new features over the coming months.”


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