Pokemon news – Zygarde forms revealed, new Greninja look
This month’s issue of CoroCoro has started to leak, and it’s brought along some interesting Pokemon news.
First, we have new information regarding Zygarde. This Pokemon can change into a few different forms, which are as follows:
– Normal Zygarde is at 50% and is called Zygarde 50% Forme
– The dog like form is when it is at 10% and is called Zygarde 10% Forme; has sharp teeth and speed
– The blob is the cell, or Zygarde Core and becomes the brain of every form
– The flat form is called Zygarde Cell
– New large form is called Zygarde Perfect Forme and retains its Dragon/Ground-type; the Order Pokémon and is 4.5m tall and 610kg and is said to exceed Xerneas and Yveltal in power
The new anime series, known as Pokemon XY & Z, will come with Mega Evolution Act 4 starting on October 29th in Japan.
We also have a first image of a new look for Greninja. This is labeled “Ash Greninja” and is said to look sort of like Ash’s clothes.