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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet bug deleting save files following latest update

Posted on March 6, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Pokemon Scarlet Violet save file deleted bug

After installing the new version 1.2.0 update, some Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet players have found that their entire save files have been wiped due to a new bug.

According to Kotaku, the issue “seems to have affected a small number of people, but it could theoretically hit anyone.” But what might be most troublesome is that no one is able to pinpoint what’s causing the problem.

Players have said that their save files were wiped for a variety of reasons. These include syncing up with Pokemon GO and downloading DLC. There’s also one player who claims that their shinies were lost after buying the DLC. If that wasn’t enough, another person did all of the above and managed to send multiple postcards via Pokemon GO connectivity before their save file was corrupted.

A Reddit user who encountered the problem says their copy was still playable when they created a new Switch profile, which they did out of concern that their original file would vanish if they played on their first profile. Right now Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are not recognizing the corrupted save file. Attempting to use the save recovery method hadn’t worked either.

Some fans have reached out to Nintendo customer support in hopes of hearing about a solution, but things haven’t gotten very fan. As claimed in a Reddit report, one rep apparently suggested transferring Pokemon from their corrupted save to Pokemon Home when the functionality is live.


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