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Pokemon Shuffle update: Mega Swampert competition & Tornadus

Posted on January 5, 2016 by (@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News

Pokemon Shuffle was updated with some new content today.

First of all, a new Mega Stone competition has started. This one pits you against Mega Swampert and you will need to place high enough to obtain the Swampertite. To get it, you will need to place in the top  12,000 in Europe, 18,000 in North America or 50,000 in Japan. You will get a Mega Speedup on top of that if you place in the top 2,300 in Europe, 3,600 in North America or 10,000 in Japan. Placing in the top 16,000 in Europe, 24,000 in North America or 70,000 in Japan means you miss the Swampertite, but instead you’ll get an Attack Power Up and Disruption Delay. If you place outside those ranks, you get a Jewel instead. The competition runs until January 12th.

Also, Tornadus is available once more, so now’s your chance to catch it again if you missed it the first time. This stage will also be available until January 12th.


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