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Pokemon Sword/Shield – odds of encountering Shiny Pokemon in Dynamax Adventures uncovered

Posted on October 24, 2020 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Pokemon Sword/Shield - The Crown Tundra

The Crown Tundra expansion for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield has a few new elements such as Dynamax Adventures. Here players can find and catch various creatures, including Legendary Pokemon that have appeared in previous entries in the series.

If you’re looking to add Shiny Pokemon to your collection, you may want to pursue Dynamax Adventures. Based on new information uncovered by dataminer SciresM, it seems that the odds of an encounter are fairly high – especially when compared to normal battles in the wild.

Here’s the full breakdown:

– Pokemon from Dynamax Adventures are rolled to be forced Shiny
– Odds are exactly 1/300 without Shiny Charm, exactly 1/100 with Shiny Charm
– This uses cryptographically secure randomness, so no RNG (random number generator)
– All Shinies found this way will be stars (xor result = 1)
– The chance of being forced Shiny on a Dynamax Adventure is applied to every Pokemon you defeated, including the Legendary
– Overall odds of at least one Shiny in adventure results are ~4/300 = 1/75 without Shiny Charm
– Overall odds of at least one Shiny in adventure results are ~4/100 = 1/25 with Shiny Charm

For those that are curious, the Shiny roll happens when the adventure ends, before the selection screen is displayed to the player.

The Crown Tundra expansion for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield launched earlier this week. More information about the DLC can be found here.

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