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Portal Companion Collection tech analysis, including frame rate and resolution

Posted on July 7, 2022 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Videos

Portal Companion Collection frame rate resolution

Portal Companion Collection just came to Switch last week, and Digital Foundry has offered up a new technical analysis for the port, diving into a number of aspects like frame rate and resolution.

Here’s the full roundup of tidbits:

– 1080p resolution when docked
– Seems to have two times multi-sample anti-aliasing for more image detail
– Portal Companion Collection has 720p resolution in portable mode
– MSA still in place for the first game
– Portal 2 has no anti-aliasing in portable mode
– Visual settings appear to be the same in docked and portable modes
– Portal Companion Collection frame rate on Switch is typically 60 FPS; original PS3/360 releases aimed for 30 FPS
– Occasional duplicate frames pop up during traversal
– Sticking the camera up to dense alpha effects impacts the frame rate
– Staring at a portal can cause some frame rate hiccups at times
– Loading portals into view often causes short but noticeable performance issues
– Portable mode mostly cleans up performance issues
– NVIDIA Lightspeed Studios worked on the Switch port

You can check out the full analysis for Portal Companion Collection in Digital Foundry’s video below.

Portal Companion Collection, featuring both Portal 1 and Portal 2, is being sold digitally on the Switch eShop.

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