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Reggie details release of 3DS games this year

Posted on January 25, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

“Between ‘Nintendogs + Cats’ and ‘Pilotwings,’ those two franchises, either on the original DS or on other legacy systems like the NES or Super NES, have sold tens of millions of copies. Those two franchises have a lot of strength all by themselves. ‘Steel Diver’ is a brand new experience, and from a compelling standpoint, we think it’s awfully compelling. Mario, Zelda, all of those titles are coming. From our perspective, we like to launch titles when they’re ready. And so they’ll be ready, they’ll be ready soon. Just not in that initial time period of late March to early June. I would say ‘Super Street Fighter 4,’ I would say ‘Dead or Alive,’ I would say ‘Madden’ and I would say, yes, the three first-party launch games that we have, as well.”

This is pretty much in line with what Nintendo has said previously. Nintendogs + cats will likely be available on day one, with PilotWings Resort and Steel Diver not too far behind. Then we’ll see some of the company’s other games sprinkled throughout the year. I just hope we don’t see Ocarina of Time sooner rather than later!


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