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Reggie on the Vitality Sensor, Netflix DS rumors, and more

Posted on March 22, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii

Reggie on the PlayStation move…

“It’s certainly me too or Wii too, as I like to say. There is nothing that they showed that is surprising. There is nothing that they showed that is innovative and in the end it will come down to how much fun the software is. How entertaining the experience is and I’ve yet to see anything that highlights this as an entertaining experience.”

Reggie on the future of Wii…

“[The Wii has a] very long, very vibrant life in front of it.”

Reggie on the Wii Vitality Sensor…

“The first thing we need to do is to show our vision of how the Vitality Sensor can be used for a new and unique experience and we recognize we haven’t done that yet. We’ve talked about the concept. We’ve shown some people video. So our focus is to bring to life how you could utilize the Vitality Sensor and our goal is to do that sometime around E3.”

Reggie on the Super Guide…

“The Super Guide experience will continue to evolve and we will continue to provide new and unique experiences. Given our objective, which is to bring gaming to as broad an audience as possible and to encourage consumers to jump into games and genres that maybe they never anticipated they would enjoy, the Super Guide is very important to us. Because it provides a safe way for a consumer to try a new genre, a new game… it will continue be an offering. It may not be in every game but it will certainly be in key games, key genres where we are trying to move this massive 27 million person install base to try something we think is important for them to try.” – Note: Reggie wouldn’t say if Zelda Wii would use it.

Reggie on the Netflix rumors for DS…

“Netflix is a wonderful partner and one thing they do is utilize data and consumer research and they are constantly asking their user base all kinds of questions. So for them, they’re constantly looking for ways to bring their experience to as many people as possible. We’ve already shown an ability to transmit content from the Wiii to your DS. We do it with (Nintendo of Japan’s video on demand ) Wii No Ma service. We can transfer game demos from the Wii to the DS too, so the technology is absolutely possible. From my perspective anything that drives connectivity is good for our business. Anything that has the consumer interact with their Nintendo device daily, hourly is good for our business. So it’s certainly something that’s interesting. I’ll also say we haven’t had any detailed business conversations with Netflix regarding the DS.”

Reggie on Nintendo’s overall gaming focus…

“It is about creating new unique experiences that are fun for a wide swath of the population. I do believe that as our competitors try to copy and mimic our approach it seems like they have luckily missed the point. For us we’ve have always wanted to create entertainment, we’ve always wanted to create fun, involving experiences. I don’t think based on what I’ve seen that either of our competitors really understand that.”


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