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Reggie: Wii sticking around for awhile, motion control race from competitors is embarrassing

Posted on March 12, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii

“For us high definition by itself is not the next frontier. For us we need to provide a whole new compelling experience in our next generation. When Mr. Miyamoto goes to Mr. Iwata and says. ‘I have this great idea and I can’t do it on the Wii,’ that’s when there will be a next generation console. What that includes we’ll see. I think Mr. Miyamoto himself has said that he is very interested in a high-definition experience, but to be 120 percent crystal clear, HD by itself in our view is not enough to go for a new console past the Wii. [Nintendo’s next console will have to be something] consistent with what we brought to market with Wii and with DS. It will be mainstream. It will be encouraging more and more consumers to get into this category that we love. It will provide new, unique, compelling experiences that are meaningful to that large potential consumer base. Those are the principles that drive us.”

“I think a hallmark of Nintendo is that we are constantly trying to innovate. I think we would have been embarrassed to do what our competitors are currently doing. So, all I can tell you is that we will innovate. We will provide something new. Something that the consumer and the industry will look at and say ‘Wow, I didn’t see that coming.'” – Reggie Fils-Aime, president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America

“We just celebrated our fourth holiday. During that December we sold over 3.8 million units just in the United States. We sold so well in the holiday that we are now in a position of once again chasing consumer demand. What I can tell you is that that seems to suggest that the Wii still has a very long, very vibrant life in front of it.” – Reggie Fils-Aime, president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America

Wow, Reggie had quite a bit to say, didn’t he? It definitely seems that Miyamoto will have a huge impact on when the Wii’s successor is released. Also, it doesn’t seem like Reggie is too happy with Sony and Microsoft!


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