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Renegade Kid discusses Son of the Dragon cancellation, provides game details

Posted on November 2, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

This information comes from Jools Watsham…

Son of the Dragon was a third-person action adventure title set in a heavily stylized 15th century. You were Dracula. Something happened to you, which striped you of your ability to use your awesome powers. A quick description of it is a ‘good’ 3D Castlevania where you are Dracula, with a focus on responsive combat, solid gameplay camera, light RPG elements, and a rich world of wickedly diverse landscapes, enemies, player weapons, and abilities… The original concept was to create a dark Mario game; a game with the same gameplay finesse that Nintendo expertly executes in its games, but with a player character that is evil and aggressive.”

“The project was canceled as a result of SouthPeak’s acquisition of Gamecock. I’ll go out on a limb here and say that I think it was a wise move on SouthPeak’s part to cancel it. Not because the game was bad, and not because the team wasn’t delivering on its promise — in fact, the team’s progress was incredible. The game was canceled because of the development cost versus the less than stellar performance of original mature-themed titles on the Wii. I should mention that the development cost was not high; it was easily less than one-third that of the average PS3/360 game. However, if you release an original mature-themed game on the Wii, even if it’s awesome, you’re going to have a hard time making your money back. Son of the Dragon on PS3/360 on the other hand, well… that has a chance to win hearts.”

Man, I’d be very interested in seeing how this title would have turned out. Renegake Kid has released a number of fantastic titles on the DS, but Son of the Dragon was going to be the company’s first Wii effort. Maybe one day we’ll see the game, in one form or another – or perhaps elements from the project will appear in other Renegade Kid titles.


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