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Renegade Kid has plans for DSiWare, new game info at E3

Posted on April 20, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii

“Personally, I am very excited about DSiWare. I think it is a great outlet for innovative games at a very affordable price that are easily accessed. A game the size of Moon would not fit within the size requirements of DSiWare titles, but we do have some DSiWare plans in the works…Unfortunately, I cannot comment on the details of the cancellation. I should stress that it was not related to the quality of the title…Some information on our new game will be announced this E3.” – Jools Watsham of Renegade Kid

I’m really interesting in seeing how Renegade Kid will be supporting DSiWare. The company has made some standout titles on the DS platform, so I would expect that to continue over when creating games for the handheld download service.


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