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Renegade Kid looking into boxed copies of Mutant Mudds

Posted on June 28, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Mutant Mudds originally came out on the 3DS as a download title. Now, developer Renegade Kid is looking into making a boxed version of the game available.

Co-founder Jools Watsham wrote on his blog that Kickstarter may very well used as a way to make this happen. He’s still looking into things, but “the first step towards having physical cartridges of Mutant Mudds for the Nintendo 3DS has been taken.”

Watsham’s message reads:

Many fans of Mutant Mudds have asked about the possibility of getting their hands on a physical boxed copy of the game for the Nintendo 3DS. I would love to have one too! 🙂

The only way we will be able to make such a thing happen is to turn to kickstarter. There has already been a successful kickstarter campaign for a DS game, called Diamond Trust of London. They needed $78,000 to create 1000 boxed copies for the Nintendo DS. Click here to check out their kickstarter page.

I am not sure if we are even allowed to order our own copies through Nintendo, and I do not know how much it will cost. It could cost more than the DS cartridges due to the larger storage sizes. I have sent an email to Nintendo to find out the details.

So, there it is. I just wanted to let you know that the first step towards having physical cartridges of Mutant Mudds for the Nintendo 3DS has been taken. I’ll keep you updated on the information I find.


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