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Robocop: Rogue City, asking Nintendo about F-Zero, new limited edition Switch, and more | Nintendo Everything Refresh Ep. 016

Posted on July 12, 2022 by in Podcast, Switch

In today’s episode of “Impossible Switch Ports: The Podcast,” join your hosts Nick, Nicholas and Dennis as they discuss Robocop: Rouge City, an ambitious first-person-shooter based on the original 1987 blockbuster film that’s heading to Switch (somehow) next year. We’ll also discuss the Nintendo fan who paid $40,000 to ask company leadership about the future of F-Zero (yes, really). Then, stick around for conversation about limited edition Switch consoles, the future of E3, and more!

Our show is available on most major streaming platforms, including SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsAmazon Music and Audible, or you can check out the video version below. Direct downloads are available here.

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Got an idea or suggestion for the show, or want to submit a fan question or topic for a future episode? Let us know in the comments, or drop us a line at [email protected].

You can also follow us on Twitter at @ndserpa (Nick Serpa), @Dayshade1999 (Nicolas Shadday), @LyonHart_ (Dennis Gagliardotto), and @Luizestrella_ (Luiz Estrella). Thanks for listening!

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