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Samurai Shodown update announced (version 2.12), patch notes

Posted on March 31, 2021 by in News, Switch

Samurai Shodown

SNK has announced that a new update for Samurai Shodown is coming in April. Check out the patch notes here:

Changed / Improved Features

  • Regarding found issues
    • Resolved an issue where the sign indicating which side of the stage a disarmed weapon is located at would appear at unintended times.
    • Resolved an issue where CHAM CHAM could not land attacks normally after performing a specific movement.
    • Resolved an issue where CHAM CHAM would seemingly warp after performing a specific movement.
    • Resolved an issue where opponents wearing Retro 3D skins would not glow red indicating they can be Guard Crushed.
  • Regarding the Guard Crush mechanic
    • Below offers an expanded view of the mechanics regarding the Guard Crush system
      • Opponents will be Guard Crushed once their internal Guard Crush meter reaches 0%.
      • An opponent’s internal Guard Crush meter decreases by a set amount depending on which attack they block. (An unarmed opponent’s internal Guard Crush meter will not decrease when they block attacks.)
      • Characters will glow red when they are able to be Guard Crushed.
      • Opponents that are glowing red and block either Far or Near Standing Heavy Slashes will result in them being Guard Crushed on account of their internal Guard Crush meter reaching 0%.
      • Attacks besides the ones listed above are able to reduce an opponent’s internal Guard Crush Meter, but they can never bring it to 0% (and thus cannot be used to Guard Crush).
      • Upon Guard Crushing an opponent, players have the ability to cancel out of the initial starting Heavy Slash (including any additional hits it may have),and into a Special Move, Weapon Flipping Technique, or Lightning Blade.
    • Regarding 2.12 resolved issues
      • Resolved an issue where players could perform and then cancel out of an additional Heavy Slash after Guard Crushing an opponent
      • Some attacks, including projectiles, have had their Guard Crush damage parameters adjusted as they did far too much damage to an opponent’s internal Guard Crush meter.
      • The percentages listed in the current Ver.2.12 patch notes relate to redefined Guard Crush damage values for each given note.
        • Example: If “~(15%)” is listed in a note, then that means, “This attack lowers an opponent’s internal Guard Crush meter by 15%”.
        • For attacks with multiple hits, the values displayed are according to “the total damage done to HAOHMARU’s internal Guard Crush meter when forced to block every hit in the corner.”
      • Currently, the Guard Crush sound is being worked on.

Change / Improvements Made to Characters

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The update is expected to arrive early April.

Source: SNK PR

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