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Satoru Iwata’s “directly to you” pose inspired a Gravity Rush 2 design element

Posted on March 8, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Random, Switch

Gravity Rush concept artist Takeshi Oga recently attended an event where illustrators and concept artists discussed their work. As part of this, Oga revealed that he actually took some inspiration from late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata’s “directly to you” pose, which was often demonstrated during Nintendo Directs. This ended up having an influence on a design element in the PlayStation 4 game Gravity Rush 2.

Here’s what Oga shared:

– Oga discussed his different paradoxical approaches for the concept artwork that would eventually become the world of Gravity Rush
– One of the key highlights was about “occasionally drawing something different than what was ordered”
– One time, he was asked to “draw a machine” for Gravity Rush that indicates where the player needs to go next after defeating all the enemies of an area
– However, he told himself “machines are common, so I want to draw something that’s not a machine” and decided to go with a flower
– Oga said that another reason was because when he asked the planner why it had to be a machine, he didn’t get a solid reason
– For Gravity Rush 2, Oga was told “make a new flower design for the sequel,” but to Oga he took it as “I was told to do that so now I don’t want to draw a flower” and he decided to draw hands this time
– The hands that Oga designed was inspired from the famous “directly to you” pose from Iwata

You can see the results of Oga’s work and his inspiration from Iwata in the video below.


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