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Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot release date set for October, new trailer

Posted on September 18, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop, Videos

Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot release date

It’s been a little while since we last heard about Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot, but the game secured its release date today. Switch owners can grab it on October 31, 2024.

You may recall that we originally reported on the game back in March 2023. The game has been in Early Access on PC for some time, but will now see its full launch on multiple platforms.

Here’s some information about it for those that need a refresher:

A blob of goo used to create artificial humans has become sentient and risen up against its creator—the Despot, an evil AI and (unfortunately) ruler of the world in the year 3000! Become this murderous jelly and pave your path with death, violence and pretzels in this action-packed roguelite from the creators of Despot’s Game and Despotism 3K. We tried to blatantly clone games like Vampire Survivors, Halls of Torment, Brotato, Soulstone Survivors, and 20 Minutes Till Dawn, but our crazy experiments went too far. By introducing a shop straight out of Auto Chess and some trading card game deckbuilding mechanics to the familiar formula, we created what we’ve dubbed our perfect abomination: Slime 3K.

Key Features

  • Deckbuilding Meets Meatgrinding – Slime 3K adds strategic depth and more creative experimentation to the survivor-like formula by introducing a deep deckbuilding system. Unlock, upgrade, mix and match your cards to stock up an impressive arsenal of zany weapons and traits. Create the perfect bloodbath loadout for each run!
  • Survive the Onslaught – Your enemies get stronger every minute, and so should you! Explore tons of fun approaches to good ol’ annihilation — electrocute everyone, throw acid on the floor, mow down puny humans with an AK-47, summon zombies, or throw explosive watermelons!
  • Gotta Blob ‘Em All – Get ready to take on every creation the mad Despot can come up with: knights, mutants, cyborg abominations, ballerinas, stilt acrobats, carnivorous tomatoes, and Despot knows what else. The tiny pink humans make such a satisfying pop when you crush them!

We’ve got a new trailer accompanying the release date news for Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot below.

Release Date Trailer

Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot will arrive digitally on the eShop. Keep track of our coverage here.

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