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Spector planning a third Epic Mickey game

Posted on April 18, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii

Junction Point Studios’ Warren Spector is already thinking about a third Epic Mickey game.

Spector normally approaches development by considering a trio of titles. When working on a project, he tends to “plan out at least three games” since his “games take about three years to make and I need to make sure I’m willing to put in as many as ten years of my life on something.”

Spector explained:

“I assume every game developer has a process they go through when they start a new project, and mine involves a couple of things.

“One is [that] there are seven questions I ask myself and if I can’t answer them I don’t do it, and that’s posted on my blog if you’re curious. But the other is, I always plan out at least three games.

“I plan out a three-game story arc, and I plan out a three-game, sort of, gameplay arc, what am I going to introduce in each game. I don’t do that because I actually expect to do those games, I do it because my games take about three years to make and I need to make sure I’m willing to put in as many as ten years of my life on something.”

“It’s got to be a compelling enough world and compelling enough characters that I can do that. And so before we started with the first one I had four stories actually. At the high level, sort of thought out, I did this for Deus Ex too. I knew what the first three games were going to be before we started the first one.”

“For example, I knew we were going to do some songs in the second game and I knew we were going to do two player co-op multiplayer, I just knew that before we started the first game. And have an idea that if we’re lucky enough to do a third one what we’re going to do.

“So I already had an idea of what’s the next step, you know, before we started, so I’m always incentivised to do it.”


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