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Splatoon 3 introduces inkbrush weapons

Posted on July 19, 2022 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Splatoon 3 inkbrush

Nintendo is highlighting another category of weapons in Splatoon 3, with a specific focus on inkbrushes.

Players can hold ZR while using a brush to sprint at a high speed and lay down ink. Additionally, it’s possible to use rapid-fire brush swings to hit an opponent with lots of ink.

Nintendo has mentioned a few other details about the inkbrushes in Splatoon 3 as well. Despite not being overly powerful, they can help you “advance quickly while inking turf with dizzying flourishes”. With the Octobrush specifically, “it splashes hard and far but uses lots of ink with each stroke.”

Splatoon 3 releases for Switch on September 9, 2022. Our pre-order guide detailing various retailer pre-order bonuses can be found here.


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