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Square considering Theatrhythm style games with other franchises

Posted on August 28, 2014 by (@gamrah) in 3DS, News

Theatrhythm producer Ichiro Hazama stated in an interview with German website Planet3DS recently that he’d like to see the Theatrhythm formula brought in to other franchises. Curtain Call will be the last in the series to feature Final Fantasy music and he’s looking for potential avenues for the future of the series. Here’s the quote:

From my personal view, I really like what we’ve created here – the Threatrhythm series and the type of game. And yes, even though this is the end of Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy, I really don’t want to bring the Theatrhythm series as a whole to an end. Obviously I don’t have anything we can announce at the moment but we really would like to move out and go into other titles. So you can certainly expect something from Theatrhythm like that in the future.

Source, via

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