Square Enix teasing something related to The World Ends with You

It’s been over five years since The World Ends with You made its debut. However, some of the game’s characters made cameo appearances in Kingdom Hearts 3D, and Tetuya Nomura has expressed interest in returning to the IP on multiple occasions.
Is Square Enix finally returning to The World Ends with You? Quite possibly.
Square Enix has opened a new teaser site, and all indications are that it’s related to the series. First, it uses the same text from The World Ends with You. Second, Nomura and Gen Kobayashi are listed as character designers – both worked on the original game.
Now, there is some speculation that this could be a mobile project… whatever it is. That would certainly be disappointing. Still, nothing is confirmed for now, so we can dream a little!
We’ll be forced to wait a little less than a week before Square Enix officially pulls back the curtain on this mystery. Let’s pray this is a new entry for the 3DS or something.