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Star Fox artist says Miyamoto has “strong feelings” for the IP, believes it will return at some point

Posted on September 1, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Star Fox return Takaya Imamura Miyamoto

Nintendo hasn’t done much with Star Fox since Star Fox Zero on Wii U – which came out years ago – but Takaya Imamura believes it will return someday.

For those that are unaware, Imamura was the character designer for Star Fox. He naturally has ties to Shigeru Miyamoto, who took the lead on the franchise. Imamura was speaking with The Gamer in a recent interview and mentioned how Miyamoto has “strong feelings” for Star Fox. While no one can say what exactly will happen in the future, Imamura thinks it will return at some point, but in what form and when he wouldn’t make any predictions.

His full words are as follows:

“For both those games, Shigeru Miyamoto was behind the originals, and he has very strong feelings towards the IP that he’s created. But he’s also a very busy person. So I think one of the reasons specifically for those two IPs, why you don’t see [games] coming more frequently, is because of the balance between what he has on his plate and his desire to be a big part of new games in those franchises. It’s just impossible to have regular, yearly [releases], or every five years, even.”

This is just my personal feeling, but I think of those two games, Miyamoto has got strongest feelings for Star Fox. So, I think we’ll see another game, film, [or] some kind of new development with the IP at some point, but I don’t know when or what.”

Something else Imamura mentioned is that he’s previously spoken to Miyamoto and wants to be a part of a Star Fox movie if that ever happens. Nintendo is now starting to get into films with The Super Mario Bros. Movie – which is getting a sequel as well – plus a live action one for Zelda. 

As for Imamura, he left Nintendo a few years back. His new game Omega 6: The Triangle Stars is now on track for worldwide release, which you can read about here.

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