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Strayed Lights launch trailer

Posted on April 25, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos

Strayed Lights trailer

Embers has issued a launch trailer for Strayed Lights, its atmospheric adventure game. The title arrived on Switch today.

For additional information, read the following overview:

Explore a dark and oneiric world of rampant nature and corrupted cities. Embody a tiny being of light on its path towards awakening.

Strayed Lights is an atmospheric action-adventure with fluid combat and an intricate world imbued with mystery. You are a tiny, growing light seeking transcendence. Face giant creatures who went rogue, deformed by their emotions but yet feel familiar, unravel the story of your newborn light on its mystical lifelong journey and explore wild nature and ruins while your inner demons try to hinder your progress.

Watch the new launch trailer for Strayed Lights below.

Strayed Lights can be purchased now on the Switch eShop.

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