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Super Mario Run reportedly downloaded over 37 million times in its first three days

Posted on December 19, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News

Update: Bumped to the top. As usual, Sensor Tower is reporting different data. They said Super Mario Run was downloaded 25 million times in four days. Sensor Tower also estimates that the game generated over $21 million in revenue.

Original: Based on the latest data from App Annie, Super Mario Run was downloaded over 37,256,946 times between December 15 and December 17. 11,052,106 of those downloads are said to be from the United States. There were also 1,991,086 downloads in the UK.

During the initial three day period, users played Super Mario Run 2.4 times each day. App Annie says the average play time was 5 minutes 35 seconds (13 minutes 12 seconds a day).

Play sessions of Super Mario Run were slightly longer on iPad. While it was played for 14 minutes and ten seconds every day on iPad, iPhone users played for 12 minutes and 14 seconds.


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