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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate version 11.0.0 patch notes and fighter adjustments

Posted on March 4, 2021 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

The new 11.0.0 update for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is largely intended to add data for the latest DLC featuring Pyra/Mythra and new Mii Fighter costumes. On top of that though, fighter adjustments have also been implemented.

Nintendo has now published the full patch notes for version 11.0.0. Continue on below to read them in full.

  • Offline
    • The following spirits will appear in the Shop on the Vault menu:
      • Lora
      • Amalthus
      • Jin
      • Malos
      • Pneuma
    • You can now enhance Rex’s spirit.
    • When multiple controllers are connected, unused controllers can now be disconnected using other controllers in the fighter-selection screen in Smash.
      • This can be done by pressing the A Button over the player bracket of the controller you want to disconnect.
  • General
    • The following downloadable content will be usable after purchase:
      • Pyra/Mythra Challenger Pack
      • Arthur’s Helm + Armor
      • Felyne Hat
      • Hunter’s Helm + Mail
      • Rathalos Helm + Mail

      Note: You cannot make videos of replays that contain DLC you have not purchased (fighters, stages, music, Mii Fighter costumes, etc.).

    • The Toad Power-Up Band (amiibo) is now supported.
      • If you go to amiibo in Games & More and tap the Toad Power-Up Band, you can receive a reward. The Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, and Yoshi Power-Up Bands can be used as Figure Players.
    • Game-balance adjustments have been made. 
    • Several issues have been fixed to improve gameplay experience.
Fighter Adjustments
LinkOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
Captain FalconUp SpecialReduced vulnerability after hitting an opponent.
JigglypuffOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
ZeldaOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
PichuSide Smash AttackDecreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuNeutral Air AttackMade the ears invincible during the attack’s high-damage window.
PichuForward Air AttackDecreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuForward ThrowDecreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuSide SpecialDecreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuUp SpecialDecreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
GanondorfUp SpecialReduced vulnerability after hitting an opponent.
Zero Suit SamusNeutral Air AttackIncreased the vulnerability when landing after using the move.
Zero Suit SamusUp SpecialDecreased attack speed.
WarioUp Tilt AttackDecreased the amount of time the hit detection lasts.
WarioDown SpecialDecreased attack speed for the third level charge.
Decreased attack speed of the max charge.
Diddy KongDown SpecialIncreased the amount of time until you can throw another banana peel after throwing one.
King DededeSide SpecialReduced vulnerability.
Increased the chance the Gordo will get stuck on a wall.
Increased the speed you can hit back Gordos that were reflected by the opponent.
R.O.B.OtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
VillagerOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
Little MacUp Smash AttackIncreased the amount of time hit detection lasts.
Mii BrawlerOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
Mii SwordfighterOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
Mii GunnerSide Smash AttackIncreased attack range.
Mii GunnerOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
PalutenaDash AttackIncreased vulnerability.
PalutenaForward Air AttackIncreased the vulnerability when landing after using the move.
PalutenaGrab AttackDecreased the grab range of the normal grab.
ShulkOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
IsabelleOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
JokerSide SpecialIncreased vulnerability for Eiha.
JokerDown SpecialIncreased vulnerability when Arsene is present and a counter is not triggered.
HeroOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
Banjo & KazooieOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
BylethDown Smash AttackExtended launch distance.
BylethDown Air AttackExtended launch distance.
Increased power against shields.
BylethSide SpecialIncreased the opponent’s downtime when shielding from the tip.
Reduced vulnerability when using the move in the air.
BylethUp SpecialExtended launch distance when stepping on an opponent with high accumulated damage.
Increased attack speed.
BylethOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
Min MinAir DodgeMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when performing an air dodge.
Min MinSide Smash AttackShortened the amount of time you can charge a smash attack.
Min MinSide Smash AttackReduced the launch distance for the dragon’s lasers while using the Dragon ARM.
Min MinOtherMatched the vulnerability with other fighters when falling in place.
Steve & AlexDown Smash AttackIncreased attack range.
SephirothDown SpecialMade it easier to hit multiple times.

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