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Super Street Fighter IV 3D using most of the 3DS’ capabilities, unannounced Capcom games in the works, more

Posted on January 26, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News

This information comes from Capcom’s Jun Takeuchi…

“In most cases, launch titles until now have used around 50% of the capabilities of the system. This time, we’re suddenly using up 80 to 90%.” He boasted that the game’s graphics are so good that they will make you ask “what is the difference between a portable game machine and a console!?”.

“We have titles for 2011 that have yet to be announced.”

Regarding the secret titles, Takauchi said that they are large scale projects. Both games will be revealed by the summer, though it isn’t clear if either game is for a Nintendo platform.

Takauchi also commented about the 3DS’ hardware. Takauchi appears to be impressed with the system’s graphical capabilities, and mainly pointed out Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater as one of the more interesting examples. Additionally, he feels that the 3DS will be able to do amazing things for those who implement inventive ideas and know how to use the hardware.


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