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Aggro Crab

Going Under

Team17 and Aggro Crab have published the second “diary” video for Going Under, a roguelike where you play the role of the unpaid intern Jackie tasked with dungeon running in their marketing role. We have it below.

Going Under will be out for Switch via the eShop on September 24. View the first diary video here.

Going Under

Going Under, a roguelike where you take the shoes of Jackie an unpaid intern tasked with dungeon running in their marketing role, is about to release. Team17 and Aggro Crab have shared the first of their “diaries”, which we have below.

Going Under will be out for Switch via the eShop on September 24.

Going Under

Going Under, a satirical dungeon crawler, makes its way to Switch later this week. Find some footage in the video below.

Going Under launches for Switch via the eShop on September 24.

Going Under, a satirical dungeon crawler from publisher Team17 and developer Aggro Crab, has been confirmed for Switch. The game launches on Nintendo’s console later this year.

Here’s an overview of Going Under, along with a trailer and footage:

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