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Talerock Studios and Asterion Games have announced that their tactical party-based RPG, Grimshade, is slated for a June 25 release on the Switch eShop.

Check out an overview of the game and a trailer below.

Grimshade, a party-based RPG, is seeing its initial launch today. Watch a new trailer from Asterion Games below.

Grimshade released on PC today. The Switch version will follow sometime in the future.

Talerock has been looking to fund its new project Grimshade on Kickstarter. The $100,000 goal was met today, and we can say for certainty that a Switch version is officially happening as well.

Grimshade, described as a “a story-driven tactical RPG featuring a turn-based combat system and non-linear progression”, is targeted for early 2019 on Switch. We have more information about the game below, along with a trailer.

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