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Monomals trailer

A new launch trailer has come in for Monomals, a puzzle platformer for Switch. Publisher Rogue Games and developer Picomy are celebrating the game’s release on Nintendo’s console.

Here’s an overview of Monomals, straight from the eShop page:


Monomals, a puzzle-platformer that previously appeared on Apple Arcade, is now coming to Switch. Publisher Rogue Games and developer PICOMY announced that the title will be available on October 21.

The premise behind Monomals is that a big music contest is taking place amongst the world’s best animal DJs. Players can choose from a variety of DJs, each with a different style of music. The primary goal is to gather the melodious Monomals and then create music with them in a quest to become the greatest animal DJ.

Here’s a rundown of the game’s features:


On Friday, Heroki joined the Switch eShop. Take a look at an official launch trailer from developer Picomy below.

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Heroki for Switch launches July 20. Check out the video below to see what the game has to offer with 40 minutes of footage.

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Heroki, which was announced for Switch last week, has secured a release date. The game will launch on July 20 via the eShop for $9.99. Picomy says it will be the “best version of Heroki on any platform.”

You’ll be able to pre-load Picomy starting June 20. When you do so, you’ll be able to save 30%.

Here’s a trailer:

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