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Secrets of Raetikon

Earlier this year, Electronic Super Joy: Groove City launched for Wii U. The original game is now bound for the eShop as well.

Yesterday, Broken Rules teased the following on Twitter:

The comment there matches up with Destructoid’s review of Electronic Super Joy. That means we should be seeing the title on the eShop at some point in the near future.

In other news Broken Rules rules, the studio has pretty much ruled out the possibility of Secrets of Raetikon for Wii U. Another developer would need “to rebuild the engine to support multi-threading” in order to create a port.


Secrets of Raetikon is being considered for Wii U, developer Broken Rules has said.

The studio’s Felix Bohatsch wrote in a Reddit AMA:

We are talking about a Wii U port. Secrets of Raetikon uses the same tech base as Chasing Aurora: our own in-house engine Ginkgo. This means porting it to Wii U should be rather straight forward.

Elsewhere in the Reddit AMA, Bohatsch discussed why Broken Rules decided to bring the Wii U launch title Chasing Aurora to Nintendo’s console:

We had a local multiplayer prototype that was really fun. At that time Nintendo told us about the Wii U and if we were interested to develop for it. As Nintendo is still strongly pushing local multiplayer, we thought that’s a perfect match. Also who turns down an offer to be a launch title on a console, right?


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