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Nintendo has announced a restock for the Splatoon amiibo in Japan. On July 9, consumers will be able to find the Boy and Girl Inklings. There are also plans to make more Squid figures later this month. The one thing that will not be restocked is the 3-pack, which has been discontinued.


While Splatoon’s Splatfest had its debut in the rest of the world this weekend, Japan already had its second one. The results are now in – Red Kitsune instant noodles won, Green Tanuki lost. Even though Team Green Tanuki won 53% of its matches, this wasn’t enough to offset the 67% who picked Red Kitsune as their team.


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The developers of Splatoon had a whole lot to say about the Wii U title while speaking with Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream this month. Last week, we shared translated comments from directors Yusuke Amano and Tsubasa Sakaguchi as well as producer Hisashi Nogami in which they discussed the map rotation, content updates, and more.

We have a few more final translations to tackle this week. The three Splatoon developers commented on the game’s level cap, Inkling customization, and a couple of other things.

In one section of the interview, Nintendo Dream mentions how many players are at the max level of 20, and asks if this will be raised in the future. Sakaguchi and Nogami were not-committal, but seemed surprised that so many people had already reached the maximum:

Sakaguchi: Er… That is also under investigation currently… We originally expected level 20 to require a nice amount of time to play.

Nogami: [The leveling up has been] so fast that it makes me worry about players’ daily life…

Update: Bumped to the top. The results are in for Europe, and rock was victorious over pop.

Splatoon’s first North American Splatfest is finished. How did the results pan out?

While cats took home 51 percent of the wins, dogs ultimately came out victorious. That’s because of the dogs’ popularity (62 percent versus only 38 percent for cats).

The final tally ended up with dogs taking in 160 points compared to the cats side of 140 points.

Source 1, Source 2


Dragon Quest X has long been the most popular game on the Japanese Wii U eShop. However, that honor has since gone to Splatoon, which is now the top-selling title on the store. We don’t have concrete numbers for digital sales, but it’s estimated that they’re higher than 57,000 units.

Source, Via


We posted a few videos from Splatoon’s North American Splatfest earlier today. You can now view a couple of videos for the European version below.

As a side note, I wanted to pass along a tiny bit of news about today’s Splatfest. In North America, you have have noticed a few rounds in which you were playing against your own team. Nintendo tweeted about the situation and explained that this was done to ensure that matchmaking was conducted in a timely fashion.

Thanks to Scott for the tip.



Update: Bumped to the top. The Splatfest is now live in Europe.

It’s 12 AM PT / 3 AM ET, so the first Splatfest in Splatoon should now be live in North America. This first event pits cats against dogs. You’ll have until 12 AM PT / 3 AM PT on Sunday to participate.

In Europe, the first Splatfest will begin later today – 6 PM BST / 7 PM CEST. That event has pop music going up against rock music. As is the case in North America, Europe’s first Splatfest also lasts for the full day.


The first North American Splatfest in Splatoon kicked off earlier today. You can get a look at a few videos below showing off the event.


Nintendo added four new videos to YouTube in which different weapons from Splatoon are analyzed. The Splat Charger, Blaster, .52 Gal, and Splattershot Jr are featured in the different clips. All of the videos can be seen below.


Nintendo announced last week that, since launch, Splatoon has sold over one million copies worldwide. The game’s success is something that surprised the company.

Speaking at Nintendo’s latest shareholders meeting, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said:

As some of you may have seen the TV commercials we have been airing recently, “Splatoon” is a brand-new title and not a title from an established series. It has a very unique and fantasy-like setting. This game, inspired by squid squirting out ink, is played by human-shaped characters with squid-like features shooting, instead of squirting, ink at each other, and the team that paints the widest area in its team color wins. Having received high recognition from our consumers for its novelty, this title’s sell-through sales reached 1 million units in less than a month from its release. We feel very grateful for this, since our view was not so optimistic prior to release, for it being a non-series title.

Source, Via

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