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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call will launch in Japan on April 24, Square Enix announced today. The game will be available for 5,800 yen at retail and 4,444 yen on the eShop.

A limited edition 3DS XL will also be made available when Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call hits Japan. The package includes a specially-designed system and pre-installed copy of the title. Pricing for the bundle is set at 23,00 yen.

Square Enix localized Theatrhythm Final Fantasy for the west, so it’d only make sense for the sequel, Curtain Call, to make its way to overseas territories as well.

If a European trademark is anything to go by, Square Enix is already planning a western release. Deculture discovered a filing for “Curtain Call” in Europe, which is almost certainly a reference to Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call.

While not official, hopefully this is a sign that we’ll be seeing the rhythm game in the US and Europe in the future.

Source, Via

The latest issue of V-Jump confirms several new characters for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call. Zach from Final Fantasy VII, Y’shtola from Final Fantasy XIV, plus Yuna, Rikku, and Paine from Final Fantasy X-2, and a second version of Lightning from Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy will be included. Each character can be unlocked by collecting crystal fragments.

V-Jump also reveals a new track for Curtain Call – Advent: One Winged Angel from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

Lastly, the game will include a search function so that players can look for songs by name and create a playlist of favorite tunes.

Source, Via

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