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HullBreach Studios has shared a few details about Tomeling in Trouble as well as the Wii U exclusive RPG tentatively known as simply Tomeling.

Here’s what we know thus far:

– Tomeling is a living book
– His origin will be explained in more detail in the Wii U Tomeling RPG
– Tomeling is based on Tsukumogami (Japanese folklore)
– The alleged concept behind it is once any object reaches its 100th birthday, it comes to life and becomes self-aware
– The Tomeling Wii U RPG will have literature-based environments and levels
– Tomeling in Trouble’s initial release will only have one level, which will be a library with bookshelves
– It is unknown at this time if there will be any further environments or levels
– This depends on the voice of the player
– Game itself is going to be sort of along the same concepts as Frogger
– Tomeling is under attack by Superworms (book worms with capes)
– Guide him through the endless waves of the Superworms as the waves speed up
– Simple concept game
– Each round will probably take under a minute or two
– Tomeling in Trouble won’t have any supporting characters, but the Wii U RPG will
– For Tomeling in Trouble, Tomeling has no combat or defensive techniques
– In the Wii U RPG, there will be powerful combat
– Cartoonish and 2D for all Tomeling games
– Models are based on 3D sprites
– Tomeling could hit Wii U by Christmas, but Q1 2015 or Q2 2015 might be more realistic
– Tomeling on Wii U will include Tomeling In Trouble and Tomeling In Trouble will include Revenge of Tomelin
– At a certain point in the game, you will reach a city with an arcade that has a few mini-games where, based on the scores you get, you can win special, usable items


Tomeling in Trouble

HullBreach: Uncloaked and SDK Paint developer HullBreach Studios has announced a pair of new titles, both of which are coming to Wii U.

The first, Tomeling in Trouble, is a non-stop runner action game heading to iOS and Android in Q3 / Q4. Tomeling in Trouble will be bundled in with “Tomeling” on Wii U. The latter project is an RPG containing both 2D and 3D elements. At the moment, it’s unclear when Tomeling will be available.


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