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Top Hat Studios

Crypt Custodian physical

Today, Welsh distributor and publisher Curveball announced that it’s producing a physical release for Crypt Custodian on Nintendo Switch. This comes as part of a new partnership between Top Hat Studios and Kyle Thompson.

Top Hat Studios’ Andi Han noted today: “Crypt Custodian is one of the highlights of the whole Metroidvania genre that’ve been released in the past year, and it also encapsulates the kind of thing we love in games: great ideas, attention to detail, and an unwavering commitment to fun, made by a developer pursuing what fulfils them artistically. We’re pleased to see the game coming to retail in physical form, and that many more players will have the delight of experiencing it.”


Windswept, a new project coming from publisher Top Hat Studios and developer WeatherFell, has been confirmed for Nintendo Switch. This one is expected in 2025.

Windswept is a 2D platformer featuring a duck and a turtle. The game features full local co-op with players controlling one of the animals.

Here’s a proper overview with more information:

Crypt Custodian gameplay

For those interested in seeing how Crypt Custodian turned out, we’ve got new gameplay. A half hour of footage is available for the action adventure/Metroidvania title.

The eShop description provides us with the following details:

Crypt Custodian just secured a release date on Switch. The game launches on August 27, 2024 as an eShop download.

We only just heard that Crypt Custodian would be coming to Switch in June. The Zelda-like / Metroidvania game was given a general summer release window.

Here’s an overview of the game:

Frogun Encore gameplay

We have new gameplay for Frogun Encore, which came to Switch this week. The platformer comes with Top Hat Studios and Molegato.

For those interested in learning more, check out the following overview:

Frogun Encore trailer

For those interested in getting another look at Frogun Encore, a new launch trailer dropped today. Top Hat Studios and Molegato are celebrating the debut of the Switch title.

Those interested in learning more can check out the following overview:

Crypt Custodian

Crypt Custodian will be appearing on Switch, publisher Top Hat Studios and developer Kyle Thompson announced today. Fans can pick it up this summer.

Crypt Custodian is a Zelda-like meets Metroidvania about cleaning up the afterlife. You’ll take on the role of Pluto, a mischievous cat who has died, and is sentenced to be the afterworld’s janitor.

Learn more about it in the following overview:

Frogun Encore release date

The release date for Frogun Encore has been revealed, and it’s just on the horizon. According to an eShop, it’ll be ready to go on June 25, 2024.

Frogun Encore was announced over a year ago. The game acts as a standalone expansion / sequel to the original game with the latest platforming gameplay.

As a reminder, here’s what to expect:

Athenian Rhapsody trailer

Athenian Rhapsody made it to Switch this week, and a launch trailer is available. Top Hat Studios are offering up a final look at the comedic RPG.

For more information about it, read the following overview:

April 16: A release date has now come in for Athenian Rhapsody, a comedic RPG. Top Hat Studios and Nico Papalia will be bringing it out on May 14, 2024.

Athenian Rhapsody was first announced for Switch last June. The original plan was a 2023 launch, but it seems that more time was needed for development.

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